Greetings from Brooklyn, where I am playing in the Mark-Anthony Turnage opera “Anna Nicole” along with a wonderful cast, crew, and orchestra (the great NYC Opera orchestra). Nir Felder is playing guitar and that’s Lincoln Schleiffer on bass in the photo. The show runs for another week. Steven Sloane is conducting…just a marvelous experience…and nice to be back in New York for a minute. Spent yesterday at Steve Maxwell’s Drum Shop in Manhattan…got to see and play one of Louis Bellson’s gold-plated Rogers kits, plus the Gretsch kit that Elvin played on during the 70s. Am I lucky or what?
Also happy to report that my book “No Beethoven” has finally arrived IN PRINT. We are selling the paperbacks at, and Alfred Music will be distributing the book. The iPad Enhanced Edition has been out for a few months now, and I’m glad to tell you that the Kindle version will be available real soon. Lucky guy.
And things are hopping with our Play-Along apps…four, COUNT ‘EM, FOUR apps now available, the latest being the iOS incarnation of David Garibaldi’s groundbreaking The Code of Funk. I feel honored to be able to present this on behalf of David and Hudson Music, Thanks to developer Lucas Ives for all of his great work. Am I lucky or what?
Life is good. You turn on the TV or open a web page on your computer (or mobile device), and it seems like there’s always some really bad news ready to jump out at you. Politics. Violence. Stupidity. Meanness…
Whatever the question or problem is, however, there are usually two good answers: LOVE and MUSIC.
Spread some love and music today.
We are the world. Peace out. Peter